Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sharing Web Resources - ISSA

In my explorations of the ISSA this week, I stumbled across a new publication they just released.  It is a book entitled “Early Childhood Programs as the Doorway to Social Cohesion: Application of Vygotsky’s Ideas from an East West Perspective.”  It caught my eye because of its obvious correlation to the issues and trend in the field of EC.  We have been discussing how investing in EC pays out at least double in the long-term.  That’s right, there have been NUMEROUS studies that prove that investing in EC programs will monetarily benefit the community and the government many times over the initial investment.  This book takes that idea and puts it on a global level, in eastern and western contexts, and how Vygotsky had these thoughts and theories long before it was publically accepted.  This was the closest thing I found that related to this week’s topic of economists, neuroscientists, or politicians support of our field. 

One thing about the ISSA that fascinates me is that it is shared among many countries.  It demonstrates teamwork among people with potentially differing opinions, and I think an organization like that sets a fantastic example for the children and families it is designed to reach. 

I will leave you with a line found in one of the ISSA leaflets I found on their website:

“ISSA is open to exploring new partnerships and
is eager to engage in joint initiatives that aim to
strengthen democracy, encourage active civic
participation, promote quality teaching, and celebrate
diversity and inclusion.”


  1. The book does sound interesting. I am very interested in application of Vygotsky's theory. I am going to check it out. Thanks

  2. Rene, I didn't know the information about investing in our children for a better out come had been going on for years, and it's great to know it is world wide. I wonder what other issues and trends have been going on for years. Thanks Rene for sharing
