Saturday, February 15, 2014


In the five stages of team development, adjourning is the final stage.  This stage does not always occur, especially when the group was not cohesive, nor when it was a bad experience.  When a team adjourns, they say their good-byes.  The more cohesive the team - the harder the good-byes.  It is more difficult to leave these groups because of the feelings of adequacy, productivity, and camaraderie.  One group in which I participated that was hard to leave was a presenting group for a VAECE (Virginia Association for Early Childhood Educators) conference.  The group consisted of my co-teacher at the time,  Cindy, and two other co-workers who worked with a different age group – Jessie and Rachael.  We were presenting on documentation in the infant classroom, focusing mainly on photography.  We were productive, delivered a program that was gripping, and we just had fun!  One thing that came about from this time together, and was a closing ritual of sorts, was the naming of the “Overachievers’ Club.”  It was merely a name that we gave ourselves as part of an inside joke, but it was one more thing that bonded us.  After our presentation, we spent more time together as a group, and were able to “adjourn” without saying good-bye. 

Leaving my colleagues from my master’s degree in this program will prove to be a challenge.  I do not have the luxury of working with you all on a day-to-day basis, so the contact will be less than in my previous experiences.  I plan to follow the blogs of my colleagues.  There have been several with which I have made personal connections and I look forward to life-long professional connections with them.  It is important to me to properly adjourn because it brings closure to a long process.  It is essential to teamwork. 


  1. Rene,
    I think it is great that your team did not have to go through the adjournment phase and chose to remain friends after the process. That is a rare occurrence because most times when groups are formed it is for a class or in some type of setting where most of the people will never see one another after that setting.

  2. You brought up a good point when you talked about inside jokes bonding people. If you share a common something, you relate to these people on a different level. It is all about the sense of belonging.

  3. Hi Rene,
    Thank you for sharing. I have learned so much from my college classmates. I believe what I have learned most is how to enjoy blogging. When I first began I hated it. However as I have learned so many things from the blogs that I have read I now understand the purpose for sharing through the blogging assignments. As we all go our separate paths I do hope that I will be able to remain in contact with some of you. As I said in my blog, I do not like good byes, so in case we do not have an opportunity to visit again I just want to wish you much happiness and success as you strive to reach your goals.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post and I decided as well to follow many of the blogs that I have come across through this course. I agree that the adjourning stage does not occur if someone has had a bad experience in a group setting. That person would more than likely be thankful that the group has come to an end.

  5. Hi Rene,
    This blog idea is good for future communication with one another. It is interesting to see that we all ne from different cultures, backgrounds, cultures, races, and states even, but we all will have this connection through Walden and as early educators. It constantly reminds me of how no matter what as people we are very similar with all the differences the eye see.

  6. Rene,
    I agree that since we do not have daily interaction, that a cohesive bond is not as strong as one where we work with someone on a daily basis. I too will continue reading blogs and following classmates because I still learn a fair amount from you and the other classmates. The adjourning stage does not occur in groups that are not as cohesive, making the disbursement of the group easier.

  7. Rene,
    I also think it is a little harder to create a special bond with people that you do not interact with often. I too have decided to follow some of my colleagues blogs after our classes were over with. I was curious to see what they were doing. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Rene,

    Although we have not worked very close on a day to day basis I feel as if most of us have connected through our blogs. I think it is pretty cool how one topic can be seen in so many different ways. We are not all from the same area so the experiences we have are never the same. I believe our blogs and discussions are kind of what make us an adjourning team.

    Thank you for sharing

  9. Lauren I really enjoyed your adjourning post. Although I have not worked really close with you I think a lot of the members in the class have some type of connection. Maybe many not with me due to some of late post but I really think we have had a great session.

  10. Lauren,
    I truly appreciate all of your insights and opinions as we ventured through this course together. Your insights, thoughts and views have made me reconsider some of my thoughts and to take into consideration other view points. I truly wish you the best of luck throughout your courses!

  11. Rene,

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts throughout this course. You communicate your thoughts very well and have always shared an insight that made me think further about the the topic. Good luck to you in the future.

  12. Thank you Rene for always being so prompt in posting your work so I could have time to read it, analyze it and respond to it. I enjoyed our discussions and the questions you asked because they made me dig deeper in my understanding and beliefs. I wish you the best for the continuation of the journey. Maybe we have chosen the same specialization and we are continuing together.
    I found that it was always productive to have other eyes read what I had done and give me feedback or ideas on how I could have done things differently.

  13. Rene,

    Thank you sharing your ideas and professional experiences each week. It allowed for me to have more than just my personal thoughts and understandings to go off of each week. I wish you the best during the rest of your studies.

