Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Strategies to Cross-Cultural Communication

This month marks two years since I began this journey towards my Master’s degree.  Since I began, I have felt an increase in awareness of the culture of the people around me.  I feel that I have always been mindful of the culture of others in a professional setting, but I have given my actions more thought in the past two years.

During our course on diversity and equity, I had many opportunities for self-reflection.  I was able to concentrate more on the way I spoke to others, being aware of things like microaggressions that might well-intentioned, yet still offensive.  In thinking about communication, I do not believe that I communicate any differently with those of other cultures.  Our child care center services a hospital, and we have a very diverse population of physicians and nurses, as well as other administrative staff. 

One strategy I use to help myself communicate more effectively with those of a different culture is to first listen.  I believe this is the most important.  People will tell you what they want you to know.  My second strategy is to ask questions.  I love learning about people’s cultures.  There is so much beauty outside of my home culture and I love seeing that in the families which we serve.  My third strategy is to share.  If there is a struggle of cultures between educator and family, it is probably because they do not understand each other.  Just as we need to know more about their culture to better serve them, they also need to know more of our culture to understand why we may not be on the same page. 


  1. Hi Rene,
    This week I also reflected on my communication skills and how effectively I listen to others. I also feel that listening to others, not just hearing the sound of their voice, but listening to the content of what the other person is saying is very important. As I stated in my blog I am amazed at the versatility of so many individuals. With various languages that I hear at work which are being spoken from time to time, I am amazed at each individual’s ability to learn and adapt to the cultural diversity of this community which I live in. I have only needed to locate interpreters once in a while for individuals who speak Mexican and say that they do not understand English.
    Sometimes I am able to communicate with hand gestures mixed with a few words, however most of the time I request assistance from a Spanish speaking co-worker. As for the many others who speak in a foreign language they all speak English when they get up to me at the register or they already have someone who acts as an interpreter. I am fascinated with hearing other languages spoken, and I hope to be learning some soon. I think that in being able to speak to someone in their own birth language it lets them know that I respect them enough to learn how to communicate with them in a language that they understand.

  2. Hi Rene,
    I agree with you when you say that listening is the most important step in communication. I am curious to know how you do not act or communicate differently when you compare your interactions with people from your home culture to your interactions with people from a foreign culture. Wouldn't you use different strategies to communicate. I am guessing you do not realize it but you might use different ways to communicate to make each encounters successful.

  3. Rene,
    I like your strategies to becoming an effective communicator. I love communicating with people who I feel are genuinely interested in me and what I am saying. I also agree with you that communication is a two-way street. People of other cultures need to take time to understand the culture in which they are communicating as well.

  4. Rene,
    You have provided me with new points to keep in mind when I reflect on being an effective communicator. Talking and communicating is one of my most powerful tools in being a strong educator. I also have to agree that I have developed a new sense of awareness of myself in regards to being culturally respective.

  5. Hello Rene,

    I like the strategies that you used to help you communicate better. I especially like the sharing part. I think when you share your story with other people, it helps them understand that they are not the only one going through something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have also noticed that, most of the time people just want someone to listen to them. Thanks for sharing with us and congrats on hitting your two year marker. Your almost at the end! :-)

  6. Hi Renee,
    Great strategies. I especially like the first strategy that you listed. Listening to others is so very important. If we listen with intent of hearing and understanding, I believe we can't go wrong. It is also important that we listen to the hidden messages that are communicated through non verbal which is body language. Sometimes we can tell whether we offend someone observing the change in their body positioning or tone. Thank you for sharing your story.

  7. Renee, You mentioned some very great strategies for communicating effectively with families. The first we all need to do is Listen. As a Social Worker sometimes that is very hard to do, but I have to try really hard to do it so that I can help the families that I serve. Great Post

  8. I think that listening should always be our first strategy in anything that we do. When we focus on what is being said we can have a better understanding of what we can do to help and to serve others better.

  9. Rene,
    I am very impressed that you have the ability to be so transparent in your communication with others. I have not mastered that ability just yet. It is true that we can learn so much more about people by asking questions. Honestly, this is the strategy that I usually use when I am in an awkward social situation, but lately it has been failing to yield good results. Perhaps I need to focus on asking even more general questions that require long in-depth responses.

  10. Rene,
    I really enjoyed reading your posting this week. I especially enjoyed reading about your strategies. Listening, ask questions for understanding and sharing the information that was given to other someone with the same issue.

    Thank you for your posting:
    Good Luck On your journey

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Rene,
    Thank you for sharing your strategies. I like what you said about listening being important. I agree with you that listening is very important. I also feel that it is important to listen with an open and receiving mind. I think that if you listen to what is being said as well as how it is being delivered you will glean more from the conversation have some trouble with not letting my attention wander as I am involved in a conversation. It was interesting to take these communication quizzes. It was even more interesting to see what others said about my communication and listening skills. I learned a little more about myself and my communication/ listening skills and some areas which could use some improvement. The fun part about this assignment was getting a friend and a family member to also take the quiz about me. It allowed me to see myself from someone else’s' perspective. In the last part of this communication skills inquiry I was evaluated as being a people person. One of my main stressors which induce my anxiety-panic episodes are being around people that I do not know. I actually was pleased with learning that others view me as I see myself. I realize that I have a definite problem with interrupting a speaker mid-sentence and I will be making a conscious effort to change this aspect of my listening skills. Some other areas of my communication and listening skills which I can make some improvements are my ability to use my words in such a way that others understand what I am trying to get across to them. Sometimes the idea or concept that I am trying to voice does not come across to others as I am intending and misunderstandings are a result of this.
    The Communication anxiety inventory pointed out a range of scores which has indicated that I am very uncomfortable in several of the communication contexts and I will need to look at this further to assess where I need to make improvements.
