Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hopes and Goals

The end is near.
 This course has been enlightening.  I feel that I am more sensitive, as well as more willing to learn.  It’s ironic that the more I learn, the more I want to learn.  My hope is that my desire to learn about the children and families with which I work never goes away.  I am naturally curious and I look forward to learning about each and every family I serve.  My goal is to be an advocate for diversity, equity, and social justice among my co-workers.  I will set an example and speak of the importance of embracing diversity.
I am so thankful for my colleagues this course.  I have truly enjoyed the interactions we have had this past 8 weeks and I am hopeful that we will be together in the next course.  
Keep pushing through – we are almost done.  Only 2 classes left!


  1. Hi Renee,
    I still can't believe that we have made it this far this fast. I wish you all the best as you continue this journey! I like to say that in order to continue to be successful the teacher has to always be the student, so it is great that you are so open to learning. Good Luck!

  2. Hello Rene,
    I love your pictures. I will definitely keep pushing because I am looking for in August to graduate with my Masters. I have really enjoyed reading your posts and I hope that we will take another course in the future. We can stay in contact through my blogs and you are welcome to comment on them because sometimes I write inspiration things that I have been through in order to help others. I wish you the best in your education and life journey.
    LaCasa Mosby

  3. Dear Rene,
    I believe you are my longest classmate among my colleagues in the program. We have met in the very first course and this the eighth course. I have the same feeling as yours: "desire to learn about the children and families with which I work never goes away." Thank you for being my longest colleague and the support you provide. Wish you the best in the next courses.

  4. Hi Rene,
    I am just loving your post. Indeed it is a great summary. I like how you have composed it. Well said and all the best in your other courses. It was indeed a great pleasure working with you.
